Posted: 2 Min ReadThreat Intelligence

Hidden App Malware Found on Google Play

The 38 applications hide their presence on devices while they perform their malicious activity.

We recently discovered 38 malicious applications in the Google Play Store disguised as games and education apps. These malicious apps hide their existence on victims’ devices by removing their icons from home screen. They redirect victims to install another app on the Google Play Store that displays advertisements, and has minimal additional functionality. Furthermore, these malicious apps load several blog URLs in the background without the user’s knowledge.

"These 38 apps found on Google Play hide their presence on your phone, perform malicious activity"

The malicious apps (detected as Android.Reputation.1) were published to the Play Store in December 2017 by a developer called learningdevelopment, who listed the email address [email protected].

Figure 1. The Norton Mobile Security App Advisor for Google Play alerts users about these malicious apps
Figure 1. The Norton Mobile Security App Advisor for Google Play alerts users about these malicious apps

The apps claim to be games or education apps according to their display names on Google Play. To describe the behavior of these 38 malicious apps, we’ll take a look at one of them in more detail. Let’s look at com.aladdinandtheancientmagiclamp.aladdingames as an example.

Figure 2. The displayed name on the Google Play Store translates to "Aladdin and the Ancient Magic Lamp"
Figure 2. The displayed name on the Google Play Store translates to "Aladdin and the Ancient Magic Lamp"

When the app is installed on a device, it has a fake app name of “Helper”.

Figure 3. The fake app name on the device after it is installed
Figure 3. The fake app name on the device after it is installed

Once the app launches, it immediately invokes the setComponentEnabledSettings API to have its icon removed from home screen, while it is still running actively in the background.

Despite the inability to provide the functions it claims to have, the malicious app forcefully redirects victims to install another app on the Play Store once it has been launched. The promoted app is named “Change my voice”, has the package name com.ModifySound.VoiceChanger, and it is developed by TopTech. Although the app does have simple functionality to modify voice recordings, it also displays a large number of advertisements.

The URLs lead to various blogs and it is likely the app is being used to increase web traffic to these sites.

While staying undercover, the malicious app has a background service that constantly checks the device’s network connectivity status. Once network connectivity is available, the app checks if the compromised device has installed any of the previously mentioned 37 malicious apps. If none of them are present, the app will load several URLs in the background. The URLs lead to various blogs and it is likely the app is being used to increase web traffic to these sites.

So far, the majority of users downloading these apps seem to be located in the U.S., U.K., South Africa, India, Japan, Egypt, Germany, Netherlands, and Sweden. The presence of the apps on the Google Play Store and the seemingly legitimate app names and descriptions allowed the apps to be downloaded onto at least 10,000 devices. Symantec has notified Google about these apps and they have been removed from the Play Store.


Symantec and Norton products detect these malicious apps as:


Stay protected from mobile malware by taking these precautions:

  • Keep your software up to date
  • Do not download apps from unfamiliar sites
  • Only install apps from trusted sources
  • Pay close attention to the permissions requested by apps
  • Install a suitable mobile security app, such as Norton or SEP Mobile, to protect your device and data
  • Make frequent backups of important data
Figure 4. List of the 38 malware applications
Figure 4. List of the 38 malware applications

About the Author

May Ying Tee

Software Engineer

May Ying is a member of Symantec’s Security Technology and Response team where she is focused on researching and developing mobile security technologies.

About the Author

Martin Zhang

Princ Software Engineer

Martin is a member of Symantec’s Security Technology and Response team who are focused on providing round-the-clock protection against current and future cyber threats.

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