RSA 2022: Strengthening Security in the Era of Digital Transformation
Why breaking down data silos is the key to threat resilience
As Broadcom Software has seen, the world of digital transformation is helping organizations achieve greater visibility into their processes and gain insights that were unimaginable before. But new levels of complexity also bring with them new concerns over greater threat vulnerabilities.
In a presentation at RSA 2022, “Strengthening Security in the Era of Digital Transformation,” Splunk President and CEO Gary Steele focused on why security teams need a data-centric strategy to meet these evolving challenges, and also achieve a strong security posture.
- The threat landscape has broadened. Today, bad actors can not only direct ransomware attacks against companies and government agencies, but they also have the power to derail supply chains and grid infrastructure.
- The complexities of those attacks are also greater. With each tool added to the environment, from cloud-only initiatives to hybrid architecture, comes new openings for hackers to exploit. Add in a fully remote workforce the threat grows. According to Steele, 80 percent of organizations say they are currently installing greater security protections because so many of their workers are now working remotely.
- Lastly, we’re witnessing a sharp increase in the number of data silos. While data transformation has enabled the volume of data to grow, the tools used to track and capture that ever-mounting data volume are also on the rise. Despite that reality, many organizations are failing to integrate all these data streams and, worse, they’re not adding human capital to manage it. The result: Data security teams feel overworked and overwhelmed, which increases the risk for breaches.
Despite the growing organizational challenges, Steele said organizations can still handle security threats by adopting a data-centric approach:
End-to-end visibility. While removing data silos is ideal for generating insights it also gives organizations more transparency into the threat landscape. This is critical to identifying gaps and creating strategies to confidently handle growing complexities of the data environment.
Accelerated detection and response. Companies need to install a comprehensive and automated monitoring system to secure user data, no matter where it lives — on the cloud, on-premises, or a hybrid mix of both. Security teams will feel less overwhelmed, and workers can redirect more of their efforts to their jobs.
Improved cyber resilience. A data-centric approach raises an organization’s security posture and ultimately “supports business growth,” he said. By integrating data silos together, organizations can harness more data that will help them gain new insights and automate mundane tasks. “That is the magic,” he said. “There are more and more opportunities to drive automation in the days, weeks, and months ahead. That is the critical element: to give people time back … and ultimately make security scalable as we live in this very uncertain world.”
To learn more on how Broadcom Software can help you modernize, optimize and protect your enterprise, contact us here.

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