Posted: 3 Min ReadExpert Perspectives

Symantec Enterprise Is Doing It Right

The industry is paying attention

Symantec, a division of Broadcom (NASDAQ:  AVGO), SWG solutions combine the best of our rich on-prem and cloud histories. We're in a unique place to offer what no others can and have a long track record of leadership and achievement and serve over 80% of Fortune 500 companies.

Symantec Secure Web Gateway solutions (Web Security Service and ProxySG) provide selective decryption, inspection, and orchestration of SSL and HTTPS web traffic. All products use WebPulse, our real time intelligence feeds, served directly from our cloud infrastructure. Based on established policies and backed with continuously updated web and threat intelligence, they decrypt traffic, then share it with antivirus, advanced threat protection, sandbox, data loss prevention and other tools for analysis. Furthermore, Symantec Secure Web Gateway solutions are deeply integrated to provide advanced functionality for managing Cloud Web Applications and protecting against data/information loss including:

  • Preserve compliance with selective traffic decryption
  • Extract and orchestrate documents to other security solutions
  • WebPulse real-time web and threat intelligence
  • Prevent delivery of malicious payloads
  • Stream decrypted data to forensics infrastructure
  • Seamless CASB visibility and control
  • Monitoring and enforcement of information security policies

Important Facts About Symantec Secure Web Gateway

  • Fact: Originally named “Blue Coat Cloud Service,” Symantec Web Security Service was initially launched as an inline cloud solution nine years ago. Moreover, WebPulse - our real-time web and threat intelligence feeds - was launched in the cloud seven years prior. That gives us over fifteen years of cloud heritage and success to go along with our twelve consecutive years of being a recognized leader by leading analysts, three years longer than our nearest competitor.
  • Fact: It’s more than likely that the majority of an enterprise's traffic is SSL/TLS encrypted. To keep pace with the market, the latest ProxySG appliances are tested, sized and priced assuming 90% SSL. However, if you had sized for moderate inspection and want full decryption, simply bump your hardware to 1.5X of your original deployment - nowhere near some competitors claim of 8X.
  • Fact: High powered SSL inspection can be done with appliances while supporting the strongest TLS protocol and the largest set of strong ciphers. We’ve been cited in leading academic research as the only vendor receiving a top “A” grade for secure inspection. Other notable SWG vendors received “Cs” and “Fs” or opted not to participate. If you hear a claim of endless SSL scale and support - don't buy it until you look under the covers.
  • Fact: Symantec has delivered leading Encrypted Traffic Management solutions (SSL Decryption) for more than 10 years. Our dedicated Symantec SSL Visibility appliance can decrypt all content at throughput as high as 9Gbps of SSL/TLS (40Gbps overall), including TLS 1.3 traffic.  There are only a handful of customers who need more, but for them we’ll soon introduce even greater capacity.
  • Fact: Our hybrid solution preserves existing policies (eg on-prem appliances) to simply extend policy enforcement to the cloud for consistency anywhere. Universal Policy Enforcement is a key feature of our Secure Web Gateway solution.

The fact that Symantec is such an obsession for our competition must mean we're doing something right. And we are.

Since our merger into Broadcom, we’ve been working nonstop to migrate our systems and processes to build an entirely new infrastructure that will better support our customers and partners.

We finished the job in only 6 months. As with any rapid transition, there were minor disruptions along the way and that was frustrating to everyone. But we’ve long since overcome those issues as we've come so very far, very fast.

The fact that Symantec is such an obsession for our competition must mean we're doing something right. And we are.

In the end, the outrageous claims made by our rivals in a time of transition speaks loudly - they’re doing our job of showing their lack of credibility. In the end, they are minor distractions and no amount of empty posturing is going to divert us from the work at hand. Our customers want solutions that bolster their security and help safeguard their digital transformation plans. And that’s where we continue to excel.

Symantec is poised to do great things for our customers and our industry. And here’s another pledge: We’re going to do it ethically. Maybe others will learn by our example. I invite you to continue the conversation and learn more about what we’re doing when we hold a webinar on July 29th. (Register Here)

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About the Author

Tim Murphy

Product Marketing Engineer - Enterprise Security Group, Broadcom

Tim leads Product Marketing for Broadcom's Enterprise Security Group Aggregator Channel. He supports the entire portfolio of Network Security, Information Security, and Endpoint Security solutions.

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